Cancers that occur in breast tissue where milk is produced, to be specific; the lobules, milk glands or milk drainage channels, and spread according to its character, are called breast cancers. It is one of the most common cancer types among women in the world, along with lung and cervical cancer. According to statistics, one in every eight women in the world carries the risk of breast cancer.
Mastectomy is the name given to the surgeries performed in order to remove the cancer tissue in the breast. Mastectomy is preferred for patients with tumours that are widespread in the past, but now it is only preferred where conservative breast surgery is not suitable and which are widely distributed.
A Ablactation: Weaning the baby Adjuvant Treatment: Auxiliary treatment performed in addition to surgery after surgery. Axillary Incision: The incision procedure made from the armpit in breast surgery. Acute Mastitis: Local findings such as stiffness, pain, and redness as well as fever and chills in the breast. Alveolus Mammarial gland. Amastia: Unilateral or bilateral absence
Surgical/non-surgical aesthetic methods to remove the deformity of the skin in the upper arm and lower region of the arm are called arm lifting. Arm lifting procedures are performed to reduce excess fat tissues in areas such as arms, armpits and elbow circumference that cannot be removed by diet and exercise and to resolve skin elasticity loss and sagging.
Nasolabial folds, which take their name from Latin, are cavitations that start from a nose point and extend to the mouth. Since these folds pull down the face's expression, individuals always encounter a pale and exhausted facial expression when looking in the mirror. Life becomes a little harder for them. For example, the person may think that s/he gets insufficient sleep and may experience a desire to sleep above the limit. Nasolabial folds are found in almost everyone and become more pronounced cavitations in time.
In the holistic anatomy of the human body, the most active area in the face is the mouth and its surrounding area. For this reason, deformations in that region are more frequent. While some of these deformations occur during the aging process, some are due to the fact that mimics are mostly around the mouth.
Kaynar su, elektrik, alev ya da kimyasal maddelerdeki yüksek dereceli ısıya maruz kalınması sonucu vücutta oluşan cilt tahribatına ve doku zedelenmesine yanık denilmektedir. Özellikle çocuklarda ev kazalarının sonuçlarından biri olarak karşımıza çıkan yanıklar, çok tehlikeli cilt tahribatları yaratabilmekte ve sonsuza kadar iz bırakabilmektedirler.