TPRECD (Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association)

2017 - 2018 Scientific Meetings

Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association

Prof.Dr.Şükrü Yazar, one of Turkey's famous aesthetic- plastic surgeons, joined the 40. National Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress within the scope of the association between 17-21 October 2018, in Antalya.

6. Uludağ Medical Oncology Symposium

The famous aesthetic surgeon Professor Doctor Şükrü Yazar gave speeches on “Post Breast Cancer- Breast Reconstruction” between June 21-22, 2018 within the scope of the 6th Uludağ Medical Oncology Symposium.

TPRECD Rhinoplasty and Facial Aesthetics Course

Aesthetics Specialist Professor Doctor Şükrü Yazar attended the Izmir Ege University Faculty of Medicine between June 7-10, 2018, within the scope of the Rhinoplasty and Facial Aesthetics Course, which is organized annually by the Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association.

Asia Pacific Reconstructive Microsurgery Federation Congress

In the congress organized by Asia Pacific Reconstructive Microsurgery Federation between 09-13 May 2018, the famous plastic surgery specialist Professor Doctor Şükrü Yazar presented “Breast Reconstruction” in Antalya.

All About Breast- Winter Symposium

Professor Doctor Şükrü Yazar took part in the opening speech of the Turkish Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery Association on March 1-4, 2018, in Kartalkaya - Bolu, on “Everything About Breast”.

Lymphedema Course Conference - Breastanbul 2018

Turkey's one of the best aesthetic and plastic surgeons, Professor Şükrü Yazar 2018, took part in Lymphedema Course-conference – Breastanbul 2018.

3. Plastic Surgery Assistants- Basic Training Course

The famous plastic surgery specialist Professor Doctor Şükrü Yazar explained the topics of "Breast Reconstruction and Wound Healing Physiopathology" at the 3rd Plastic Surgery Assistant Basic Training Course, between 26-28 January 2018.

9th World Reconstructive Microsurgery Association Congress

One of the best plastic surgeons worldwide, Dr. Şükrü Yazar, participated as a speaker to the 9th World Reconstructive Microsurgery Association Congress, Seoul / June 14-17, 2017. "Vascularized Bone Graft" session - "Free Vascularized Fibula Flap in Limp-Salvage Surgery" Session Chair: "Head and Neck Session."

14. Cerrahpaşa Plastic Surgery Days

Professor Doctor Şükrü Yazar presented information about "Standards and New Techniques in Rhinoplasty", "Secondary Tertiary Rhinoplasty Session", and "Use of Jeans Graft in Secondary Rhinoplasty". Istanbul, 20 May 2017.