Abnormal swelling that occurs in humans due to excessive lipoidosis and fluid accumulation in the hips, thighs and legs is called "Lipoedema" in medical language. This disease, also called painful lipoidosis syndrome, can sometimes be seen on the arms, although it mostly affects the legs. The degree of lipoedema, which is a chronic adipose tissue disease, differs from person to person. While it may be mild in some patients, it may reach the condition that prevents even walking in others. Lipoedema, which is a genetic disease, is always seen in women. This disease, which usually occurs during adolescence, also has a high chance of being seen in other women in the family.
Our hands are among the most worn-out areas whereas the first signs of aging in our body are observed. The formation of excess skin, wrinkles and various stains are the most important problems of hand aesthetics. In the light of this information, surgical procedures performed by plastic surgeons are called hand aesthetics to eliminate signs of aging, such as freckles, wrinkles, spots and veins arising due to melting fat tissues in the hand area of the body. These procedures are frequently preferred by people of middle age and above.