Most people describe their ideal body type as a combination of prominent breasts, slender legs and a rounded bottom. Generally, women dislike having hips that are too flat, too small, or disproportionate. This may cause them to be dissatisfied with their appearance or not be able to achieve the desired output in the clothes they wear.
The shape of the butt can be deformed as a result of sagging due to genetic factors, weight loss or aging. An ideal shaping can be done in the butt area with the right planning with the fat injection to the butt, which is also known as the Brazilian Butt Lift, which is frequently applied in recent times.
How is Butt Fat Injection Performed?
Buttock fat injection can be defined as a surgery based on the injection of fat taken by liposuction from areas of the body where stubborn fat is concentrated, such as the abdomen, back, thighs, waist or inner legs, after undergoing a special procedure, into the butt area. With fat injection to the butt, it is ensured that the butt has a rounded appearance when viewed from the side. At the same time, an hourglass appearance is obtained by increasing the height of the butt and the width of the basin.
The first step of the butt fat injection process is to remove fat from the appropriate areas of the body with liposuction. The removed fat cells are processed to achieve the desired purity. Thus, they are ready for the fat transfer process.
Fat cells are injected into predetermined areas of the buttocks to achieve the desired appearance. Buttock fat injection provides the opportunity to have more fresh and fuller but also natural-looking hips.
Buttock fat injection enables body proportion to be changed by removing fat from areas such as abdomen, back, waist and thighs. At the same time, as a result of liposuction, the fat to be used in shaping the butt and hip area is obtained. Thus, the intervention is not only applied to the butt area, but also noticeable results can be obtained from the point of body contouring.
You Can Have Proper and Impressive Hips with Your Own Fat
Buttock fat injection is one of the most popular procedures today. It is very reliable as fat taken from the patient’s own body is used in the fat injection stage. Thanks to the method applied to reshape the butt, it is possible to achieve the desired appearance for asymmetrical, deformed and small hips by gaining volume and positioning butts higher.
As a result of the butt fat transfer operation, the most pleasant and noticeable change is achieved when fat is removed from the abdomen or waist area. Thus, an hourglass appearance is provided on the body. It is necessary to have sufficient amount of fat tissue with appropriate properties in the body of the person. Patients who do not have enough fat tissue in their body for butt fat injection, which is one of the operations where patient selection is always at the forefront, may prefer implant surgery as an alternative.