The Carpal tunnel, which is located inside the wrist, is a space where the median nerve and tendons pass through. The inner pressure of the tunnel can increase as a result of various diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis), injuries, fluid retention during pregnancy, overuse or repetitive hand motion. Increased inner pressure causes compression on the nerve which results in symptoms such as numbness, pain, tingling and weakening of the grip. The disease which shows up with these symptoms is called the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
The medical term "genital reconstruction" includes the surgical correction of various problems such as loss of penis as a result of environmental factors such as accidents, burns, ruptures in men, tissue ablation resulting from resection of vulvar tumours (female external genitalia) in women or correction of a congenital anomaly of the penis (hypospadias) in newborn babies.
Scar tissues usually originate from traumas or injuries of the skin. Scar tissue formation is an important part of the self-healing process of the body. Scars occur as a result of self repairment of skin damages resulting from surgeries, accidents and diseases. Injury of a larger area means a longer healing period. The risk of noticeable scar formation increases with wider sizes of the damage.
Ear reconstruction includes the surgical re-building of the ear in case of its absence or irregular shape(microtia). Ear reconstruction surgery is usually performed when the patient is five years old, and 3-4 surgical sessions might be required to create an ear, which is similar to the contralateral side. If any complications occur, more and different types of additional surgery can be necessary. The use of ear prosthesis is an alternative to the surgery.
Double jaw surgery, which is also called as "orthognathic surgery," includes surgical replacement of the teeth-jaw bones and other soft-stiff tissues to their ideal anatomic locations. Although these procedures do not include any aesthetic cause, they cause various facial alignments. These alignments are modified in order to fit each patient, and the patient gets a more aesthetic appearance after the jaw alignment surgery.
Facial fractures include fractures and depression of the bones which form the facial structure. These fractures could result from various accidents such as home injuries, occupational accidents or traffic accidents. In some conditions, the facial skin could remain intact, but more commonly, damage to the facial skin accompanies the fracture. Facial fractures are hard to diagnose in the early period since swelling and edema of the subcutaneous tissue might conceal the pathology. In such cases, underlying deformities appear when edema decreases a few days after the trauma.
Microsurgery procedures which are performed by specialist plastic surgeons to reconstruct tissue loss in the lower extremities, one of the areas most exposed to trauma in traffic accidents, occupational accidents, sports injuries, falling and slipping, are called lower extremity surgeries. For this procedure, skin, muscle or bone tissues are usually taken from the other leg or another part of the body and are transferred to the damaged area.