(Boob Job)

Breast Aesthetic Adventure in All Details

Have natural, upright and full breasts with Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon Professor Yazar

What is Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation is also known as breast...

What is Breast Reduction?
The aesthetic surgical procedure performed to reduce the...

What is Breast Lifting?
This procedure, also known as mastopexy, is the...

What is Nipple Aesthetics?
All surgical procedures performed through microsurgical...

What is Breast Asymmetry?
Breast asymmetry is defined as a visible volume...

What is Tuberous Mammoplasty?
Tuberous (tubular) mammoplasty is performed to...

What is Breast Reconstruction?
The planning and executing the process of reconstruction of the breasts of women...

How to Define Breast Aesthetics?

The aesthetic taste and concept may differ from person to person. However, the general opinion in the world for breasts with a natural aesthetic is that the breasts look proportioned, harmonious, upright, attractive, matching with the female body when viewed from the front and the side, while the nipple fits the breast with the dark-coloured area around it.

Breasts are one of the most important organs of the body related to the concept of aesthetics. In the ages of development, they enter into women's lives, grow and develop. Over time, they become the symbol of beauty and attractiveness and then the representative of the concept of motherhood. They contain many anatomical, psychological and physiological factors.

What is Breast Aesthetics?

Hereditary or hormonal disorders, advancing age, the effect of gravity, surgical treatments that can be performed following pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain, or accidents can cause undesired deformations in the tissue and structure of breasts. For such reasons, women who are disturbed by the smallness, size, sagging, asymmetrical disorders of their breasts or the nipple size may consider aesthetic surgery to have natural and beautiful breasts they desire.

  • Enlarging small breasts with prostheses or implants (silicon),
  • If the volume of the sagged breasts is sufficient, lifting-recovery of them,
  • Compacting-lifting of the breasts with inadequate volume,
  • Increasing the breast tissue volume, increasing the breast size and supporting it with an implant,
  • Shrinking the excessively large and sagging breasts,
  • Eliminating asymmetry problems between breasts,
  • Width in the areola parts of the breasts and buried, collapsed or large nipple problems
  • Reconstruction of a breast or nipple that is congenitally absent or lost by external factors , etc.
    define breast aesthetics.

Is There a Lower Age Limit to Have Breast Aesthetics?

There is no lower age limit set by the Ministry of Health for individuals to have aesthetic breast surgery in Turkey. However, plastic surgeons usually state that girls must be 18 years of age to have breast surgery. The answers to the four important questions below suggest that age limit will change according to the individual.

  1. Is body development complete?
  2. Have breasts stable physical structure?
  3. Has the patient reached the age of adolescence?
  4. Have breasts and tissues developed?

There is no upper age limit for breast aesthetics. For a patient who is 60- or 70-years-old, aesthetic breast surgery can be performed as long as the person's health conditions permit.

In Which Cases Can Breast Aesthetics be Performed in People Under 18?

  1. It can be performed in girls whose physical structure and body development have been completed between the ages of 15-17.
  2. If the body development has not been completed, but this surgery is inevitable, it can be performed in patients who have serious asymmetry problems between breasts. (For example, one breast of the patient is very small and undeveloped, and the other breast is large. This asymmetrical condition disturbs the mental state of the patient; then it can be done.)
  3. It is also performed in congenital anomaly cases, that is, in people with congenital asymmetry. (In 15–16-years-old patients, if the development of one breast is complete and the other is inherently problematic, this can be performed in the early period so that the psychology of the patient does not deteriorate.)
  4. In some traumas, accidents and burns, these surgeries must be performed.

Mammoplasty (Boob Job) Frequently Asked Questions

Professor Yazar sees his patients in his private practice based in Nisantasi, Istanbul. He carries out surgery at Acibadem Maslak Hospital and American Hospital based in Nisantasi. However, he also works at other hospitals for some special requests and emergencies.

Please visit the gallery to see some before-after photos. Please note that we only included the photos of patients who signed a consent form for their photos to be published in our website in this section. You can see more photos during your consultation.

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons perform aesthetic breast surgeries.

Aesthetic surgeries should be planned according to each woman's face, body, and physical structure. That is, a breast that is seen and liked in any picture can be made. However, as you can imagine the size of the prosthesis that will be placed in a woman with a height of 155 cm and a woman with a height of 185 cm cannot be the same. Your surgeon may disagree with you if you have unrealistic expectations.

Scar (Surgical Scar): One of the things women fear most after breast aesthetics is that the scar is very visible. Since it is a surgical procedure, the scar is inevitable. The scars are in the areas where the prostheses are placed by making an incision, that is the armpit region, in the lower part of the dark ring around the nipple, in the lower part of the fold area where the breast meets the chest, or in the core area. In people with fair skin and normal wound healing physiology, the scars of surgery do not remain very apparent.

The prominence of these scars varies depending on to the woman's age, genetic physics, and DNA structure and the structural features of her skin. These scars, which integrate with the skin colour by taking a vague appearance over time, are taken under control with various creams and gels recommended by the surgeon.

Among the breast aesthetic procedures, especially in breast augmentation procedures, the prosthesis is placed under a thin membrane called the fascia between the back-front of the breast muscle or the muscle called sub facia and the breast tissue. In all three cases, the silicone prosthesis is not connected to the mammary glands, milk ducts, and the area where the nipple is located. Also, breast lift surgery does not have any contact with the nipple, milk ducts, or mammary gland tissue.

Note: If you consider having a baby soon, this should be told to the surgeon as there may be significant changes in breast volume and shape during pregnancy and after breastfeeding.

Women who consider to undergo breast surgery wonder and worry about whether there is a risk of cancer after breast aesthetics. After all the researches, it has been repeatedly proved that breast aesthetic surgery does not cause cancer.

Breast surgery can be performed in any season. However, women in Turkey prefer to undergo breast surgery mostly in the winter months. This fact is because the recovery process of the surgical procedure performed in the winter months is completed until the summer.

  • Sagging after breast augmentation surgery:
    Since the breast tissue is preserved in a certain proportion in women whose breast size is above certain dimensions, the breast tissue may sag over the prosthesis, although the location of the silicone does not change with age. If the sagging condition occurs, lifting procedures should be performed.
  • Sagging after breast lifting surgery:
    Changes such as pregnancy, excessive weight loss or gain after breast lifting surgery may cause sagging of the breasts again. For this reason, plastic surgery such as breast augmentation and breast lifting are recommended by plastic surgeons for patients who do not consider having children and whose body weight does not change frequently.
  • Sagging after breast reduction surgery:
    The problem of sagging breasts can rarely be observed when the body structure changes due to the patient's excessive weight gain and loss with her advancing age.

Breast aesthetic surgery has a very high success rate. However, physiological and psychological complications may occur in some patients, although very rare. These rare complications include mild bleeding, infection, capsule formation, asymmetry (size and shape differences between breasts), temporary loss of sensation in the nipples, deformations, scars, tissue death.

If possible, all conditions that affect the health, quality of life and psychology of individuals should be treated.

▬ Before deciding on the new breast size or shape of patients coming for all types breast aesthetic surgery, an examination is made taking into account the body proportions. Belly, leg, hip, and arm ratios of the patients who come especially for breast reduction aesthetics are analysed. If the patient has excess weight or obesity, the patient is recommended to lose weight before breast reduction surgery. There are two methods for this. The first one is the slimming program, accompanied by a dietician and a sports coach, and the second is referring the patient to obesity surgery. If the patient's weight is not above its normal value, direct breast reduction surgery can be performed. Breast consists of breast gland tissue as well as fat tissue. For this reason, no matter how much weight is lost with diet and sports, breasts with low-fat tissue would remain at a certain size.

Patients who have a little extra weight and have undergone breast reduction or breast augmentation procedures do not have many changes such as sagging in the breast after losing weight with diet or sports. However, if the patient plans to lose 2-3 kilograms after the operation, the procedure is planned accordingly.

You need to directly get in touch with your insurer to enquire. In case of a medical necessity such as large breasts causing severe back pain, breast reconstruction following cancer treatment, they might cover the cost.

In Turkey, there is no lower or upper age limit set for the procedure by the Ministry of Health. Individuals can undergo breast asymmetry surgery at any age provided that they have completed their adolescence period (over 18 years of age), their breast tissue has completely developed and their health is good, according to the results of the necessary examinations performed before surgery.

  • 15-17 years old girls whose breast tissue, physical structure and body development have been completed can get breast aesthetics before the age of 18 after the necessary examinations are performed.
  • Aesthetic breast surgery can be performed in the early period before the age of 18 to correct the congenital anomalies, that is, congenital (existing at, or dating from, birth) breast asymmetry which is apparent at the age of 13-16 in girls.
  • Breast aesthetic treatment can also be performed for people under the age of 18 who do not have body development and bone structure, who experience asymmetry problems due to excessive weight loss and discomfort in their breasts.
  • In some severe traumatic accidents and severe burns, breast aesthetic surgery is required for patients under the 18 years of age.

Book Your Consultation

Please fill the form below and send it to us.

Procedure Summary Table


Breast Augmentation
(Breast Enlargement)

Duration of the Procedure

1-2 hours

Type of Anaesthesia


Duration of Hospitalisation

1-2 days

Back to Work

6-7 days


Depends on the patient

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Before Breast Aesthetic Surgery


  • Patients undergo a detailed examination of whether they are suitable for breast aesthetics. Expectations and health problems are discussed. (According to the patient's age, weight, body proportion, rib cage, body size, complaints and expectations, breast aesthetic surgery planning is completed by plastic surgeons. In other words, all analyses are documented by performing a chest examination before the aesthetic operation. Such analyses provide detailed information to the surgeon regarding the structure of the breast. Since the examinations show information about whether there is a suspicious oncological condition in the breast as well as the fat and mammary gland ratios of the breast tissue, it is very important for perfect plastic surgery.
  • The doctor should be informed about the medication used by the patient for diseases such as hypertension, kidney failure, diabetes, chronic asthma, etc., and the use of similar blood-thinning medications such as aspirin and vitamins, etc. if any.
  • If there are a smoking habit and alcohol consumption, the patient should quit two weeks before surgery.
  • In addition to blood tests, ultrasound, and general health screening, mammography is requested in women over 40 years old.
  • Before the surgery, patients' accessories such as jewellery, piercings, lenses, or dental prostheses, if any, are removed.
  • Patients are asked to have buttoned or zipped baggy clothing for their postoperative comfort.

Professor Dr. Şükrü Yazar' Routine Applications:

  • "Informed Consent Form for Breast Aesthetic Surgery" is obtained from the patient.
  • The patient wears compression stockings.
  • Drawing is done with a marker pen. The patient is not taken to the operating room without drawing.
  • The pneumatic compressor is adjusted before the operation and used until the patient is discharged.
  • After the operation, cold gel (ice) is applied with a sheath to the breasts for 15 minutes per hour.
  • If the nipple will be treated, the nipple is frequently checked for circulation and hematoma.

General Information:

  1. Circulation follow-up is performed in patients who had a flap. To observe the circulation correctly, the cold application is NOT applied to the flap area!
  2. All drains applied to patients are monitored at NEGATIVE pressure.
  3. IV Fluid is inserted at the required speed (Pumptan - Serum Set) and applied to provide routine fluid support until the patients are discharged.
  4. Each page of the Consent Form should be signed by the patients.
  5. During the drawing with a marker pen on the breast area, the nurse is also present with the doctor.

After Breast Aesthetic Surgery

  • Patients should stay in the hospital for one night after aesthetic breast surgeries. The patients can return home the next day after the plastic surgeon's examinations and be able to perform their hygiene care.
  • Drains (vacuum tube) placed in the same place with the prosthesis to prevent blood and fluid accumulation are removed within a few days by the doctor.
  • It is normal for the patient to feel pain, ache, and tension in the operation areas for the first week.
  • If the breast prosthesis is placed under the breast tissue, postoperative pain is felt less, and if it is placed under the muscle, significant pain is felt, especially in the first four days. In such cases, limiting the patient's shoulder and arm movements helps to reduce pain. Because in this way, the patient's chest muscle is loose, and this process is provided with pain relievers.
  • After the operation, the patient should spend the first days at rest, avoid heavy activities for at least two months and use a special sports bra for 1-2 months.

Patients According to the Type of Breast Aesthetic Surgery;

  • If it is breast augmentation surgery, the patient may return to work after 2-3 days.
  • If it is breast lifting or reduction surgery, the patients may return to their social lives after 5-7 days.
  • All patients can start sports such as power walking and jogging after three weeks, light exercise such as plates or yoga after 6-8 weeks and heavy exercise that require more effort after three months.

Dressing and Controls

I share the schedule of my dressing and routine controls with my patients after breast aesthetics. It is very important that these controls are not interrupted in order to ensure full recovery safely.