What is Chin Reduction Aesthetics?
Aesthetic operations performed by plastic surgeons aiming a natural facial expression to eliminate several defects diagnosed, such as the chin being ahead or longer or larger than usual, as well as fixing the curvature of the chin, are called chin reduction aesthetics.
As with the large chins, the small chin is also a frequently observed aesthetic problem in people. Such situations affecting the social life and family life of the patient can be eliminated through various surgical interventions, and the desired shapes and sizes can be obtained. Individuals experience dissatisfaction with their chin structures and appearances, as well as physical needs such as eating and smiling.
How is Chin Reduction Surgery Performed?
Before the chin reduction surgery, a general examination is performed and the surgery method is determined. During the evaluations, the procedure is planned by the surgeon considering the expectations of the patient about the size and shape of the chin. Then, the surgery is performed by plastic surgeon in the appropriate operating theatres of health institutions or private clinics. In such procedures, excess bones are cut by entering the inner side of the lower lip and the chin is ensured to be at the desired size. During the procedure, which is performed by cutting the chin bone and taking it forward, bone tissue is transported into the cavity formed during the pulling of the chin forward. The surgery is finalised by fixing the bone by titanium plates and screws.
For Whom the Aesthetic Chin Reduction Surgery can be Performed?
What are the criteria and the factors required for patients that make the chin reduction surgery necessary?
- Disorders of the chin bone in people over 18 years old,
- The protrusion of chin bone (mandibula, being ahead compared to the maxilla),
- Asymmetry on the face,
- The chin bone being behind compared to the maxilla (micrognathia),
- Large gonion,
- Gonion being ahead,
- Presence of chewing problems,
- Speech difficulties.
Procedure Summary Table
Procedure | Type of Procedure | Duration of the Procedure | Type of anaesthesia | Duration of Hospitalisation | Back to Work | Healing |
Chin Reduction | Aesthetic surgery | 1-2 hours | General | 1 day | 7-8 days | Depends on the patient |
Chin Reduction Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost of chin reduction surgery?
It is against the law in Turkey for the healthcare organisations including private practices to indicate prices online for procedures, treatments or consultations. Please contact us by calling or texting ?+90 541 334 3484 (WhatsApp available) or ☏ +90 212 257 1515 for the average cost of the procedure or any other enquiries related to the procedure. You need to send some photos to the Patient Care Coordinator to be examined by Professor Yazar to get the exact all-inclusive price.
Is there a lower age limit for chin reduction surgery?
If the chin problem affects the person’s nutrition and quality of life adversely, the surgery is performed at younger ages. Apart from this, if a chin reduction surgery is requested only for aesthetic purposes, surgeons recommend that the patient should be at least 18 years old.
Can the patient eat after the chin reduction surgery?
After the chin reduction surgery, the surgeon gives a nutrition list to the patient. The list mostly contains liquid and puree food.
Does swelling and bruising occur after chin reduction surgery?
Conditions such as swelling, bruising and redness on the face may occur in the patient after the procedure, but these conditions are temporary.