What is Lower Extremity (Foot & Leg) Surgery?
Microsurgery procedure which is performed by specialist plastic surgeons to reconstruct tissue loss in the lower extremities, one of the areas most exposed to trauma in traffic accidents, occupational accidents, sports injuries, falling and slipping, is called lower extremity surgery. For this procedure, skin, muscle or bone tissues are usually taken from the other leg or another part of the body and are transferred to the damaged area.
In traffic accidents or open fractures, bone healing may be delayed in some parts of the leg and foot area without soft tissue cover, and in some cases, bone inflammation may occur. The microsurgery method is fundamental, especially in closing open wounds around the ankle. Transplanting the back and abdominal muscles to the ankle provides significant benefits to the patient. In this way, the bone bonds again, infection disappears and the patient gets the chance to walk again.
If bone inflammation developed later after an injury that was not treated well, the damaged bone section is removed through lower extremity surgery performed by an orthopedist surgeon. Following this procedure, soft tissue and muscle transplantation are performed. As a result, the bone begins to heal quickly. In addition, the leg and ankle, which are broken/chopped, can be sutured in place by microsurgery.
Lower Extremity Surgery Frequently Asked Questions
Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon Professor Yazar is available in his private practice based in Nisantasi, Istanbul for appointments to provide detailed and tailored information on the procedure.
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